
Struggling to stay fit during lockdown? There are a lot of places, and trainers, doing online workouts and classes to help you stay fit. But what if you want more? Let’s look at online personal training during lockdown.

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So here we are, still in lockdown and I’ve seen a lot of trainers, life coaches and motivational speakers post about all the things we can and should aim to achieve now that “lack of time is not an excuse”
So here are 5 things to achieve during lockdown.

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Lockdown is a word we are not coming to get used to. It’s essential for our physical health at the moment but that doesn’t make it easy to deal with mentally.
This will be difficult for a lot of us so lets’ talk about mental health during lockdown .

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Do you know how to do a plant based diet the best way? It’s week two of Veganuary and if you’re cutting down or giving up on meat, the following blog post is designed to start you off on the right foot for your plant based diet. So here’s some tips on how to do it that don’t involve a Greggs vegan steak bake.

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Happy New Year, welcome to 2020, the start of the new decade and the month of self improvement.

If you have any interest in health, or a Netflix subscription, you will have heard of Game Changers. The Netflix show that discusses the benefits of a vegan diet for athletes, it was designed to showcase the benefits of Veganism for health, especially if you exercise regularly.

So… is Veganism good for you?
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Here’s a big controversial topic to cover. Obesity and Cancer, are they related? Is this another form of fat shaming? Do I think the adverts from Cancer Research have to be taken down?

Now, read this fully before you judge me.  Read more

My post today is about whether your plan is working for you, how to know and what to do to fix it if it’s not.

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You may have seen and heard in many places that it takes 21 days to form a habit. As usual, soundbite “facts” like these run wild in the diet industry as they’re easily repeated and believed.

However, as we get to week 3 of January you might be wondering when your new resolutions will become an easy habit (if they haven’t already).

So, how long does it take for something to become a habit?

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There’s been a lot of controversy recently about the body positivity movement glorifying obesity and being overweight. Last week plus size model Tess Holliday has posted her COSMOPOLITAN cover on Instagram further encouraging keyboard warriors all over the globe to criticise and celebrate in equal measure.

So, to add my opinion into the mix, does the body positivity movement promote obesity?

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This post comes to you from my sofa where I’ve been sleeping for the past few days to avoid giving my immunocompromised boyfriend the cold.

This is my life. I’m actually feeling fine now but my throat, as is common in those who talk for a living, is still sore and apparently I sound like a prehistoric creature when I breathe in the night.


So it seemed fitting that I should answer the age old question of exercising while ill.

Should you…?

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