
So here we are, still in lockdown and I’ve seen a lot of trainers, life coaches and motivational speakers post about all the things we can and should aim to achieve now that “lack of time is not an excuse”
So here are 5 things to achieve during lockdown.

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“I need to get back on track” Hands up if you’ve said something similar to this at some point. It’s easy to give up and when things go wrong. So how can we stop stopping and why is it so important not to give up? Read more

Here’s a big controversial topic to cover. Obesity and Cancer, are they related? Is this another form of fat shaming? Do I think the adverts from Cancer Research have to be taken down?

Now, read this fully before you judge me.  Read more

My post today is about whether your plan is working for you, how to know and what to do to fix it if it’s not.

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Too busy to be active? Let’s discuss how you can get moving more. Read more

New 30 day challenge that will improve your health/lead to weight loss/cure all problems etc… Read more

Groundhog Day, another great example of Bill Murray and his genius. And a lesson in repeating our actions.

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You may have seen and heard in many places that it takes 21 days to form a habit. As usual, soundbite “facts” like these run wild in the diet industry as they’re easily repeated and believed.

However, as we get to week 3 of January you might be wondering when your new resolutions will become an easy habit (if they haven’t already).

So, how long does it take for something to become a habit?

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Every client that I train is slightly different but all of my most successful clients have one thing in common…

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This post is addressing something that I believe to be really important. Something that is encouraged that might be ruining your fitness and your health.

In a world where everyone is posting about their daily workouts or checking in at the gym I think it’s important for me to tell you the truth… Read more