
There’s been a lot of controversy recently about the body positivity movement glorifying obesity and being overweight. Last week plus size model Tess Holliday has posted her COSMOPOLITAN cover on Instagram further encouraging keyboard warriors all over the globe to criticise and celebrate in equal measure.

So, to add my opinion into the mix, does the body positivity movement promote obesity?

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So here’s a loaded conversation and an interesting topic (I hope). Is having a weight loss goal anti-feminist?

Here we go…

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Long gone are the days of lifting 1kg weights and hoping for results (hopefully)

Now weight training has equal footing with cardio in gyms up and down the country for women as well as men (hopefully)

However, if you’re nervous or unsure here are some reasons why resistance training deserves your attention.


Here are 5 reasons to lift weights…

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We eat!!!

Who knew?

Special K, that’s who. After all, every January for many a year back in the early 00’s they sold us a 2 week crash diet to lose the Christmas 10lbs, so whats this new advert about…?

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How much time have you spent looking in the mirror being unhappy with what you see?

How normal is to to watch our friends, Sisters, Mothers and Grandmothers look in the mirror and judge themselves? Berate themselves? Depress themselves?


There are entire industries dependant on women looking into mirrors and feeling unhappy. And quite frankly, I’ve had enough.

Let’s learn how to love your body.

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Alright, rant ahead. Strap in.

There’s a disturbing trend going on and it’s really unacceptable. Read more

I’m not a big fan of Frozen, probably because I don’t have children and it was everywhere for ages, in fact it still is!

My little cousin is obsessed with Frozen and princesses and she is very cute with it.

She sings the “let it go” song and loves it but I wonder if she will grow up to realise the powerful message that it has?

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I was asked the other day by a client if we need to restrict food to see weight loss. Did the diet have to be 100% spot on in order for weight loss to occur?

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Today during a session with a client the subject of my arse came up.

My entire childhood and adolescence I was paranoid about my butt, especially since, unlike the song, I did not have an ‘itty bitty waist’ to match.

But NOW it’s popular!!! Read more

I was at my Grans for Mothers Day and, like a lot of Grans, mine likes to make sure her family is fed.

No one leaves the McMaster house with an empty stomach, and most of the time you leave with leftovers too.

But what does this mean for your waistline?

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