
You may have seen and heard in many places that it takes 21 days to form a habit. As usual, soundbite “facts” like these run wild in the diet industry as they’re easily repeated and believed.

However, as we get to week 3 of January you might be wondering when your new resolutions will become an easy habit (if they haven’t already).

So, how long does it take for something to become a habit?

Habits and New Years Resolutions 

Every year millions of people make resolutions and for some they make the same one every year.

Drink less
Give up smoking
Lose weight


We list the “bad” habits that we have and hope to change them by the magical power of the New Year New Me motivation.


We’ve heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit and so while knuckle the first 2 weeks hoping that by week 3 things will get easier.


And they might.
Or they might not.


How long to really build a habit?

Far from the magical 21 days you’ve been promised, it’s been shown it can take anywhere from 18 – 254 days, The average being 66.

Furthermore it depends on the type of habit as to how long it will take you.

Drink more water? Sure, buy a reusable water bottle and off you go.

Change your diet to a healthier one? Hmm…that takes more planning and more time.

So…how can you build a strong healthy habit?

How to build a habit.

Be patient.

Patience is something I was never very good at and in the environment of instant gratification that we live in now, patience is even harder to come by naturally.

Therefore you must work at it. Every day becomes a chance for you to work on your habit, make the association between this new behaviour and the desired outcome stronger.

“If I do this, it will lead to this” 

In other words: “If I improve my eating habits, it will lead to a healthier body and help me reach my weight loss goal”


Be organised

Focus on your new habit everyday, schedule this into your diary.

You want to eat healthier? Great, start meal planning in advance.
You want to get fitter? Great, schedule your workouts or activities to make sure you prioritise them.

If you do not plan it, it will not be a priority and it will not happen. <<< Trust me.

Add in before you take out

As in maths, so in life. Addition is easier than subtraction.

This is such an important step and it’s often missed.

Instead of taking out the “bad habit” focus on bringing in the “good habit”


Example – you want to eat less junk food. Great! Before you change your diet completely with no plan, perhaps focus on adding in more vegetables, proteins and healthy carbs and fats. Push out the junk food with healthier options.

This is much less mentally stressful and it makes the change even easier.



In summary


Take it easy on yourself. Habits take time to build, up to 254 days!

So be consistent.
Keep your goal fresh in your mind.
Each day work towards improving and strengthening your habit.


Don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than you thought. Just because it’s difficult, does not mean that you can’t do it.



p.s – want to work on building some habits that will actually bring some change? I can help you.
I’m taking on nutrition coaching clients online. To find out more, click here.