
I feel the need to post this as we come up to Easter. The combination of bank holidays, lie ins, and sitting on the sofa eating a chocolate bunny can be a welcome relief or a recipe for disaster.

This is how to survive Easter.

When your life revolves around food

as it often does when you’re perpetually on a diet or trying to eat healthily (this time)

it is hard enough but when that coincides with celebrations that revolve around food it’s just one big source of anxiety.


This is for my people who struggle with that chocolate temptation… Here is


How to survive Easter


As we start this weekend of chocolate celebrations, I want you to keep one thing in mind.

One day of ‘bad’ eating will not make you fat just like one day of ‘good’ eating will not make you healthy. 

^^^ Consistency is key.


Ok, an Easter egg is low on nutrition.

It doesn’t have many vitamins or minerals. It’s high in fat and in sugar.

But it’s just chocolate.


It’s no more powerful than any other type of food. Unless you restrict it and then what happens…?


When you can’t have it, you want it more.


Temptation. The struggle is real.

Can’t eat the egg.

Eat an apple instead.

Cant eat the egg.

Drink some cold water.

Can’t eat the egg

Spoonful of peanut butter is the answer.


And so goes the bargaining with yourself, trying to cover the temptation with other ‘healthier/clean/paleo’ foods to avoid eating something ‘bad’.



But you know what happens when you eat the Easter egg?


Nothing*. Not a damn thing. The egg is gone.

Heaven forbid you actually enjoyed eating it.

Its gone and the world continues to turn.


My epic words of wisdom however may not be enough to help support you this Easter, so let me give you some tips to stay on top.


Eat slowly.

Chocolate is amazing, or at least it can be. And as such it shouldn’t be rushed. It shouldn’t be devoured in one massive mouthful.

Savour it!!!

Have a dedicated moment. Make a cuppa. Sit down. Slowly eat your chocolate.


Only eat the good stuff.

Alright, let’s get real. Who chooses an Easter egg based on the chocolates that come with it?

Chances are that your Easter egg has varying degrees of chocolatey goodness.

For example, The amazing Easter eggs that have all the fudge pieces squished into the front of them? Mmm!!! But the back of the egg is just normal chocolate.


If you’re one of these people who leaves the good stuff til last, you may find yourself chomping your way through the boring bit, to get to the good bit and finish on a high.

Here’s a secret. Start with the good bit, give the rest to a chocolate seeking relative. Or leave it for another day.


Eat it as a meal…?

Controversial point coming ahead, pay attention for it.

I expect to come under fire for this suggestion but it’s my blog, so deal.

If you decide that you are going to eat your entire Easter egg in the middle of the day.

Do. Not. Feel. Guilty.

I say this because many a year has passed where I have over eaten simply because I REALLY wanted the chocolate but I also thought I should eat something ‘healthy’.

So instead of only stuffing my face with chocolate and leaving it there

I stuffed my face with chocolate AND THEN ate a healthy balanced lunch.

This is WAY too much food.

Lets be real, if you plan to eat the whole egg…you know about it. There’s no point lying to yourself.

So if, once a year, you plan to eat an Easter egg FOR YOUR LUNCH, go for it.

Do it. Leave the guilt behind and know that everyone else is probably doing it too and is too embarrassed to talk about it.


Eat some eggs too.

Yes, chocolate is good. Chocolate is great. All hail the cocoa bean.

But eggs are little power houses of nutrition. They are full of B vitamins, proteins and healthy omega 3 fats.

Easter can’t be complete without some egg related fun, so hard boil some eggs, paint them and eat them for breakfast afterwards.

If possible, choose free range eggs over caged hens. Not only are the eggs of better quality, the chickens are living in better conditions. Buy local if you are in a position to do so.


So there you have it, my tips on how to enjoy your Easter chocolate.


Have a great weekend everyone!


Ainzlie xx



*I  will add that yes, if you are dealing with an eating disorder this type of behaviour may trigger a binge or a difficult moment. As always, follow your care plan and if you need support during Easter get in touch with beat the UK’s eating disorder charity.


P.p.s – are you a fan of the nutritional real talk? I’ve got some spaces coming up for my nutrition coaching, if you’re interested check out my nutrition coaching services.