
Make it harder? A little is good, so more must be better, yeah? 

The problem with conventional diets

Humans seem to believe that if something isn’t hard it’s not worth doing. If something is too straight forward or easy it simply can’t work.

We seem to want to choose the harder option when it comes to weight loss, believing that this will bring quicker results.

This is false, if anything it overcomplicates the process and makes it easier for you to fail.

Would I be too cynical to say this is part of the design?


^^^ You need more than this to be healthy

If it’s harder – we fail

You can blame yourself, you can blame your lack of willpower or lack of discipline and that’s fine – if you want to beat yourself up for taking part in a system that is difficult to follow.

We fail with these plans because they demand change all at once with an all or nothing approach.

Perfection or GTFO


Keep it simple


So consider this your reminder that harder is not better – not when it comes to this.

Your daily habits are what help to keep you consistent. Assuming that you’re not where you want to be, your daily habits aren’t yet in line with your goal.

Should you change everything all at once? Of course not. To do so would be impulsive and difficult.

We take weeks to form habits – healthy or otherwise – so keep it simple.

Small steps. Daily work on healthy habits that add up to change over time.


Don’t work harder – work smarter.




p.s – ready to work on developing those healthy habits? You came to the right place.