Hands up who is having some motivational down time?

“I’m not at my fittest”

“I used to eat much better”

“I just can’t get started”

Sound familiar…?

I’m in the same boat at the moment, of course some PTs will tell you that we are impervious to this but in reality, we go through dips too.

I’ve been struggling with finding the time motivation to get more admin work done. Other things take priority,

client plans
client sessions
class prep
my own workouts
my food prep for the week

before you know it, there is no time I have not made time to do the things I am unmotivated to do.

I’m hearing from others too that they are in a bit of a slump, the new years boost has gone, it’s still cold (if you’re in the UK anyway), and people are wondering,

“How the hell is it almost March already?”


So, what to do about it?


Be kinder to yourself

Nothing good will come from beating yourself up over things you haven’t done. The past is gone, it is what it is, lets focus on going forward.

If making yourself feel bad about your lack of motivation helps to motivate you then fair enough, but chances are it is doing nothing other than making you feel worse.


Don’t just focus on your better self

If you compare yourself to the earlier version of you it’s likely you seek out those aspects that you perceive to have been ‘better’ in the past. Things that you don’t do anymore.

For example: “I only go to the gym twice a week now, I used to be there every day”

Instead of: “I still go to the gym twice a week, I remember how unfit I was before I joined the gym.”

That switch in perspective can stop you feeling like a failure and help you to remember the improvements you have made.


Go back to good behaviours

If you find yourself comparing yourself to when you were

more productive

ask yourself what has changed from then until now?

Were you fitter because you woke up earlier to workout? If so, can you do that again?
Where you healthier because you had more time to cook? Can you start to batch cook in advance instead?
Is your lifestyle more stressful now? Can you introduce some de-stressing techniques to help?

Our behaviours are habits are shaped and formed by our environment, if your environment is not conducive to being productive and motivated, make a change there.


Make a list

I love a good list!

When you feel like things are piling up and you have loads to do this helps you quieten your mind. I highly recommend writing everything down with an old fashioned pen and paper.

Whether this is a list of tasks you need to complete or a plan of what your day is going to look like, write it down, get it out of your head and then you’ll know if it is achievable or not.



Surround yourself with productive people

You will have heard the phrase “you are the average of the people you spend most time with”. You’ll find that you have a lot in common with those you spend the most time with, but what comes first, the friendship or the shared behaviour?

If your friends are healthy, fit, happy people who are pro-active in making decisions you are likely to be positively influenced by them. If your friends are also in this slump that might explain your down turn.

If productive motivational people are thin on the ground (because it’s freezing and everyone in the UK is moaning about the weather) then seek out some health inspired podcasts, check out some online blogs. You don’t need to be physically in contact with people to be influenced by them.


Go for a walk

I love walking and it is so under-rated.

It’s easy.
It’s free.
It can be as easy or as challenging as you want.
As long or as short as you can cope with.
You can do it on your own or with others.
You can listen to podcasts while walking.
You are out in the fresh air, improving your mood with each step.

Whatever your goal, if you’re struggling to get in the right head space, go out for a walk. Clear your mind and start fresh when you get back.


Lack of motivation is a killer, especially when it’s related to something that you care deeply about, whether that is your health or your work. But just remember that everyone has little slips, little moments in time where they lose focus. Be patient and start to make small changes, over time this adds up.


Ainzlie “task one: complete” McMaster


p.s – need some outside motivation? Let me help.

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