Lessons from Batman Begins – how we can become more.

If you’ve seen Batman Begins (by far the best adaptation of Batman to date) you’ll remember the iconic scene where Rachel tells Bruce;

“It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you”

A verbal punch to the gut for Bruce Wayne and a lesson for the rest of us to become better.

It’s not who you are underneath

We may have the best of intentions of eating well and exercising but if our actions don’t match the desires that we have, we never get there.

As a teenager I knew that underneath my perceived laziness and lack of discipline I wanted to be more active. I wanted desperately to be thinner, more toned, more capable but I lacked the action needed to actually reach that goal.


So I did the rollercoaster of dieting and trying to do active things like running and walking and occasionally doing fitness DVD’s only to give up – I thought from laziness and lack of discipline.

In reality I didn’t lack the will to take action, I lacked the direction and education needed to be successful in the long term.

what you do

It’s what you do that defines you

You have the capability to take action and become the fit, active, toned, capable person that you want to be. If you struggle to take action I firmly believe that it’s not that you’re lazy – it’s that you haven’t found the right path.


And yes, I am that annoying person who will tell you that if you haven’t succeeded yet that you’ve just not found what works for you.

I say this because I’ve seen clients transform before my eyes when we found a plan that worked for them. Change happened and no-one was more surprised than they were.


Do what you said you would

If you want to commit to change and lose the weight you’ve been talking about, or take on the fitness challenge that you would love to do then now is the time to actually follow up on that goal.

Do what you said you would do.

Run the marathon.
Start lifting.
Choose a healthier diet.
Lose the weight.
Change your body.

The mistake many people make, including myself, is that we assume we must do this by ourselves.

No. There is no need for you to go this alone.


Take action. Be more. Ask for help and define yourself by your actions – not your words.




p.s – if you’re tired of just saying and you want to start doing, here is a place where you might want to start. I’m taking online clients at the moment and if you think you’re ready for the change, now is the time.