Happy Hallowe’en (almost)! This has become a much more celebrated day than it used to be, although we have a long way to go before catching up to our American counterparts. They do throw all their energy into a good hallowe’en celebration, including fancy jack o’lanterns (or pumpkins to us).

Now, there are many techniques for the best way to carve a pumpkin, but what do you do with the insides? If the answer is chuck them in the bin, you are throwing away a super healthy food that has endless possibilities for yummy recipes.

So what is so good about Pumpkins?

They have an impressive dose of vitamin A, a whopping 170% of your RDA per 100g! As we all know, this helps you see in the dark! (or at least improves your vision in dim light).

They are high in vitamin C, which contrary to popular belief won’t cure your cold, but it will help keep your immune system healthy and strong. It’s also a source of vitamin B5, which along with keeping your hair and skin healthy can also aid in relieving fatigue, we all need this after a hard workout!

Pumpkins are also full of fibre, meaning that a small portion goes a long way, filling you up quickly and keeping you satisfied for longer. So perhaps snacking on some pumpkin before your hallowe’en sweeties is a good plan.

They are also one of your 7 a day (remember last weeks post…?)

Ok ok Ainzlie, we get it, Pumpkins are the bees knees of healthy starchy vegetables, but how to fit them into your diet?

I’m glad you asked! Pumpkin can be used in a variety of ways, the following are some recipes I use to get the most from my favourite Autumn veg. Enjoy!!


Sugar and Spice roasted Pumpkin seeds.



Savoury Roasted Pumpkin Seeds.



Creamy Pumpkin & Lentil soup.



A nice change from potato mash; pumpkin mash.



Baked pumpkin.



For a little halloween treat: Pumpkin cake.



Pumpkin Puree (for the next recipe)



And finally, home made Pumpkin Spice Latte (no more paying £3.75 for a small “PSL” from Starbucks!)



Some of these recipes are from American websites so here’s a handy calculator if you need to convert: http://www.theonlineconverter.co.uk/temperature-converter/


Have a healthy October everyone, and don’t go wasting that pumpkin!

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