nutrition coaching

I’ve had a few questions recently about my nutrition coaching, so today I’ll be covering the FAQ’s of my coaching.

What is nutrition coaching?


Simply put, the nutrition coaching is a year long curriculum that will teach you how to become intuitive with how you eat.

If you’ve ever wondered how people can manage intuitive eating without binging, or how some people just manage to eat “normally” then this coaching course breaks it all down for you.

You won’t find any dodgy science or bad diet tips here.

After doing this course you won’t need to google for diet tips ever again.


What’s involved?


Quite simply, daily lessons, daily habits, dedication and commitment.

It looks like this:


Habit 1 – Eat Slowly – duration: 2 weeks

Every day a lesson to read

Some days you’ll be asked to reflect and write answers

Some days not

Every day though, you will read the lesson and start to develop your habit.


Every two weeks you get a new habit to practice. 52 weeks later you are a changed person.

nutrition coaching

A year long?!?!


Yes. The whole course lasts 12 months.

Do you need to stay for 12 months? No.

I’m not your mother, I’m your coach. I’ll encourage you to do your best, to give it your all and see change.

But you are responsible.


Like everything in life, if you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to.

But I would encourage you to ask yourself, how many years has it been that you’ve wanted to lose weight?

Perhaps it’s time to invest in a year of change for a lifetime of success?


But I have food intolerances/dietary restrictions, can I do this?


The whole point of this coaching is to find what works FOR YOU. I’m not here to push my eating plan on you or anyone else.

Be vegan, paleo, vegetarian, gluten free – whatever works for you. This is purely a year for me to coach you into a better way of eating.

On your terms.


Why work with me?


Good question and if you’re asking yourself that you are seeking a weight loss programme with your eyes wide open. Everyone should be skeptical in this age of quick fad diets and dangerous weight loss.

I’m a qualified personal trainer and nutrition coach, certified with Precision Nutrition. I’ve been through weight loss myself and I’ve coached many clients through the process too.

You can find more about me and my story here.

I know the pitfalls and the difficulties, if you want that experience then this is the place for you.


Who are Precision Nutrition?


Precision nutrition are the company I qualified with when I wanted to focus on nutrition. Their programme is based on years of trial and error with hundreds of clients who have found their lives changed from this approach. It has been used in scientific trials [1][2][3] and found to be a successful form of weight loss coaching.

Their approach is the only one I’ve found that links so closely with my own beliefs and personal experiences of weight loss. I align myself with them for this reason.


How do I sign up?


Because this coaching is so personalised and in depth I only take on a small amount of clients at a time. For this reason entry is by application only.

To apply for coaching click here.


Anything not answered here?


If you have another question that I’ve not covered just get in touch and ask.




p.s – those studies? You can read them here.


[1] A personalized, multi-platform nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle coaching program: A pilot in women
[2]Commercially available lifestyle modification program: randomized controlled trial…
[3]Evaluation of a web‐based weight loss intervention in overweight cancer survivors aged 50 years and younger