social media

I’ve been quiet on my social media recently, for a long time in fact. I’ve been uncomfortable with a lot of what we see in the fitness industry.

The information that is pushed by “gurus” and “health advisors” is quite often nonsense and sometimes frankly dangerous. Free speech allows us to say what we want but what if that message is damaging to others?

I see so many messages put out there by people trying to sell books and products and coaching claiming to have THE ANSWER. The rigid rules and judgemental attitudes from these people make us all feel crap – myself included.

social media

So I’ve been away…

Why? The whole facebook feed got stressful and negative for me. And, after being exposed to thousands of adverts about how having a six pack could save my life and why *this one food* will give me *this terrible disease* it exhausted me.

And made me wonder, I’m part of the fitness industry – am I part of the problem?

After all I do sell coaching and weight loss is one of the things people come to me for.

That’s my job and it’s a side effect of the changes that people make with my help.

But I’m not prepared to perpetuate negativity and tell anyone they’re not good enough as they are already.


Here’s the truth

Despite what all the “health” marketing will have you believe.

You are worthy as you are right now and you don’t have to change if you don’t want to.

In fact, I would say that if you don’t WANT to change, why should you?

While there are upstanding, amazing personal trainers out there who are knowledgable and helpful and wonderful, there are also the well known companies whose job it is to make you feel unworthy.

After all, if you feel unworthy as you are, you’ll spend money on their products to finally become whole and happy and accepted by society, and yourself.

This is not what I want to be associated with.


However, after months of people telling me I should get back on social media I’m beginning to realise that while the waves of negativity can be overwhelming, it’s important to find the positivity.

It’s crucial to ignore the fads and diets and triggering content and find as many positive sources of information that you can to enhance your social media and make your social network as positive as it can be.

social media



Here’s the bottom line:


Chick, Dude, whatever pronoun you wanna go by – you’re fantastic already.

If you want to improve upon your body or mindset then by all means do so and do it in a healthy way.

If you want to change, go for it but do it in a healthy way.


THAT is why I’m here and back on social media.


SavagePT – Health without the bad attitude

