What’s the best reason to exercise?

Fat burning is great.

An increase of muscular strength and endurance is rewarding.

Weight loss, it’s not just a weight off your body, but also your mind.

A reduction in risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer is medically beneficial.

There are many reasons.

But what is the BEST reason?

As humans we crave instant gratification, we want everything and we want it NOW, if not sooner. Fat loss takes time, it can take months infact. Changes in musculature may be quicker at first but then progress seems slow. The scales lie to us daily. Your clothes aren’t looser yet. And while it’s brilliant to reduce your health risks from obesity and sedentary related disease, unless you have an existing problem with your health you can’t truly appreciate that.

Because of this, the best reason to exercise isn’t physical or medical, it’s psychological.

The BEST reason is the one that happens immediately after your workout. The post-workout glow. The immediate feeling of positivity that makes you want to high five the entire building and shout “YES!!!”

This is often overlooked. If you are looking at yourself after a workout and feeling depressed because you’re STILL NOT THIN YET!!!!!! take a step back and appreciate what you have just done. Whatever workout you have just completed it was your body that got you there and that deserves some praise.

If you are lacking motivation, dreading your workouts, feeling a bit impatient at slow results and looking for a reason to stay home, get out the house and move. Happiness is only a workout away and why would you want to make an excuse to miss that opportunity?

Lace up your trainers, start the day with your power poses, go out and exercise in search of a happier you.



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