lose weight

Now that it’s January and you’re thinking about the New Year New You, you might be wondering if hiring a personal trainer is the best route to take to lose weight?

Here’s your answer.

Can a PT help me lose weight?


Yes and No.

lose weight

If you’re hiring a personal trainer to help keep you accountable and coach you to get results, then yes – it’s likely that, working with your PT while taking responsibility for your own actions outside of your sessions, you will lose weight.

If you think that by hiring a personal trainer that we will take all responsibility for you and the weight will disappear by magic or luck. Then no, hiring a trainer will not help you lose weight.



You will not see results

if you don’t try

If you’re ready to take responsibility for your life changes then hiring a PT could be a great start for your goal to lose weight.


Here’s my 4 tips on how to get the most from your sessions.


1. Choose a PT that’s a good fit for you.

It’s important that you get on with your trainer, you’ll be spending a few hours a week together, and possibly over a long period of time. You need to have a similar attitude and have something in common.

Here’s my tips on finding the right personal trainer for you.


2. Be clear on your goal.

Yes, your PT will be able to help you with this, or at least they should. If you have a goal of “lose weight” it’s important that you become clearer on that.

How much weight?
When by?
What will you need to do to get there?

Your trainer should help you break this down and make it clear for you.

Know what you want
know when you want to get it.

lose weight

3. Get involved in your programme

My clients are successful when they are confident with their programme. This only happens when I design it around them and their lifestyle.

Yes, I can create a programme that will give results but if my clients don’t feel confident they won’t do the workout.

If you’re expected to go to the gym and train out-with sessions, make sure you’re happy doing those exercises on your own, make sure you’re comfortable using the equipment and confident going to the gym yourself.

If you don’t feel that your programme fits into your life, talk to your trainer and get involved.


4. Communicate with your PT

If you skip a workout or have a day of binge eating at the weekend, communicate this to your trainer.

A good PT will not shout at you like a gym teacher would (if they do, may I advise asking yourself if this is the person you want to train with?).

The truth is that we all know when clients haven’t done the workouts, or are skipping out on the nutrition advice. We know what to look for and you can’t hide that.

It’s doing a disservice to your trainer to not confide these things to them and it’s slowing your progress if you’re not honest.

Communicate any setbacks that you’re having and discuss it to find a solution.


In summary


Hiring a personal trainer can be a wonderful addition to your plan to lose weight. A good coaching relationship will make the journey from A to B much smoother and more enjoyable.

Follow the tips above and go forth into 2019 knowing that this is the year you will reach your goal.




ps. – if you’re looking for a new trainer and think we might be a good fit get in touch.

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