So, Christmas is coming, the Geese are getting fat but with a little planning we don’t have to. Lets talk Cheat Meals.

I have to be very clear, I’m not posting today to talk about cheat meals or cheat days used as a strategy for your ongoing plan throughout the year. These strategies can be used very effectively but are not suitable for everyone on every plan. This is specific to enjoying our Christmas Day and staying as healthy as possible while still having fun.


How do we enjoy our Christmas Cheat Meal?

1. Plan in advance. This is perfect for Christmas. You may have the same meal every year, or you might be mixing it up this year, but either way no-one wants to be shopping for turkeys on Christmas Eve, so you’re probably already planning. To make the most of this cheat meal, try if possible, to have your Christmas Dinner in the middle of the day. This allows for a small breakfast, a big lunch (with desert if you choose), and a small snack before bed time.

If all goes according to plan the increased calories at lunch will keep you full until later in the evening where you can choose you have a small snack to keep yourself going for the rest of the night. If that snack happens to be some chocolate orange segments or a couple of glasses of wine, on the 25th, it’s fine.

2. Eat clean before you eat dirty. On your cheat day don’t use it as an excuse to eat junk food from morning till night. Not only will this make you feel bloated and rubbish by the end of the day, but psychologically it can be harder to bounce back. Have a small breakfast, maybe some fruit. Check that stocking, Santa always leaves an orange and an apple. Make sure you have veggies on your plate, we all love stuffing and pigs in blankets but throw on some carrots and a sprout or three.

3. When you’ve had enough food, STOP! Some people say that you have a separate desert stomach, that you can overeat lunch and still have room for something sweet at the end. It might be the case that you can physically put more food in your mouth, but remember we don’t want to feel sick afterwards. Cheat meals are about eating foods you would not usually have, and while eating more is ok, we want to avoid the food hangover. Eat until 80% full at your main meal and save some room for desert.

4. Enjoy yourself. If you’ve had your dinner and you’re craving chocolate then by all means have some, indulging occasionally is good for the soul and there’s nothing worse than feeling deprived at Christmas.


Take the time to relax with family and friends at Christmas, no need for calorie counting or excessive exercise. Have a lie in, open presents, and just be happy. :)

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