People often tell me that their problem isn’t getting started with exercise or healthy eating, it’s keeping consistent.

But is consistency the problem?

Take a moment to think of everything that you do consistently, out of habit

You consistently go to work/uni
You consistently eat each day (whether that is ‘healthy’ or not)
You consistently go to bed each night
You consistently check Facebook/Twitter (right?)

Consistency is not your problem

Commitment is.

consistently inconsistent

We are more likely to commit to things

when the results are instant
when the rewards out weigh the work
or when we enjoy it


Via social media we see drastic weight transformations and are lead to believe that results from ‘clean eating’ and HIIT workouts are almost instant.


You’ll see people talking about their high intensity workouts
their supplements
their clean eating


You try it for two days and find out very quickly that it ain’t as easy as people make out.


High intensity workouts are not everyone’s cup of tea
Supplements are expensive and, for some, completely unnecessary
“Clean eating” can be restrictive and difficult to follow.

So why would you commit to a plan that places all these demands on you and gives you nothing but inconvenience?


Are you doomed to be consistently inconsistent with fitness forever more?


The answer is no,

you just have to change your focus.


Weight loss from diet and exercise isn’t instant but the endorphin rush after a good workout is, physical activity makes us feel amazing, that alone is worth the effort.


The rewards from exercise outweigh the work when you take exercise at your own pace and fit it around your lifestyle, if it’s easy to schedule, you’ll do it.


You can enjoy exercise and commit to it when you choose something that you truly find fun. Why run if you hate it?



The truth is that if you try to copy someone else’s diet and exercise plan and you HATE it, you won’t commit – because why would you?


When you find a combination that works for you, fits into your lifestyle, is enjoyable and rewarding you won’t find yourself getting impatient for results.

You commit to the work and the results take care of themselves.


Life is too short to eat a crap diet and work yourself into the ground hoping to achieve someone else’s body.


Find your workout
Find your way of eating
Reward your body with a plan that makes you happy.



Ainzlie xx

p.s I have some personal training spots coming available, get in touch here to apply to work with me.

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