fat shaming

James Corden has made headlines this week after calling out Bill Meher for promoting fat shaming in order to ‘help’ people lose weight. After my own weight loss and helping my clients do the same, here’s my take.

What helped me lose weight?

I remember specifically standing on the scales at the age of 17 and seeing a number that I didn’t like. I didn’t like that my clothes didn’t fit or that I couldn’t wear what my friends did so I made some changes.

I was 17. Two years since I left school. I had yo-yo’d through school because bullying made me feel bad so I would go on diets – lose weight, feel better, go off the diet and the cycle would continue.

The fat shaming did nothing to educate or encourage me, it made me feel bad and so I made drastic and unhealthy decisions to try and feel less bad as soon as possible.

It wasn’t til I left school and started to make my own decisions about how I felt in my body that I started to lose weight which I have since kept off.

For me, fat shaming didn’t work.


Fat shaming is a lazy way to try and motivate people

Put simply, if fat shaming helped people to change then anyone could do my job and we wouldn’t have an obesity crisis.

People do not feel inspired and motivated to make positive changes to their life when they feel like shit.

Fat shaming makes you feel like shit.


Fat shaming is bullying.

fat shaming

There is no way round this. You are making a person feel bad because of the way that they look.

Whether that is the fact that they wear glasses or are ginger or are overweight, your opinion on how they look doesn’t matter and your delivery system of your opinion is cruel and unnecessary.


Bill Meher says it’s about being able to see your dick, here’s a question – why are you bothered if someone can see their dick, Bill? Does that keep you up at night?


Does fat shaming work?


Fat shaming is bullying.
It is not acceptable.
It doesn’t help anyone.


Unless you are paid for your opinion on someones weight, it’s none of your business. Use your energy for better things like keeping your nose out of other peoples business and looking after your damn self.

fat shaming

Ainzlie xx


ps. Do you want a positive way forward with weight loss and lifestyle change? Find out more here

p.p.s – Incase you missed it, here is James Corden’s excellent response