I don't like exercise

There is a common misconception that fit people and regular exercisers love their workouts every day and if you’re not one of those people that exercise isn’t for you.

This is a lie. Here is the truth.

I love my workouts!

It’s true that people who exercise regularly have found a way to make it part of their routine, they have been able to find something they can do consistently.

But if you’ve not grown up in an active environment starting a workout routine can be intimidating and maybe you don’t even like the idea.

That’s fairly normal – especially in the beginning.


I don’t like exercise, can I get fit?

It is possible to get into a routine that you start to enjoy, but you might need to fight through the suck initially. Here’s how.

I don't like exercise

1. Try different things

It’s important to find something that you’re remotely interested in. Weights are a great place to start, not only is resistance exercise important for bone density and muscle building it makes you more capable in every day life.

A lot of people hate and/or fear cardio. Maybe it’s the sweating, maybe it’s the memories of P.E and cross country running, so unless cardio makes you excited – find something less aerobic to start with.

I love lifting weights but your thing might be yoga, or boxing or taking up a sport. Think about what you’re interested in and start there.


2. Be patient

You will probably suck at this at first. You will be sore after your first workout. You’ll start from the beginning and it might be easy to get frustrated, especially if you want to do advanced exercises.

You’re still in the process of building a habit here as well, so it’s important to be as consistent as you can. It takes time for this to become second nature so be patient as you build your routine.


3. Suck it up

At the beginning you’re full of motivation and it’s easier to tell yourself to go to the gym or to a class but what about when the newness of this wears off?

What about when you’ve got the offer to go to the pub? Or it’s raining and you’d rather not leave the house? What about when you’ve had a long day at work and you can’t be bothered?

Over time you’ll recognise the moments when you need to take a break but the chances are in the early days it’s not the need to take a break that makes you want to skip the gym – it’s the promise of a more enjoyable activity.

Some days going to workout won’t fill you with energy. But if you want results, suck it up and go anyway.

I don't like exercise

4. Realise that not everyone loves all exercise all of the time

This is my job, this is what I do for a living and some days I get out of bed excited to workout, some days it is purely the habit of exercise that gets me to start.

I’ve build the habit and I know the results will come from doing the work, but I’m not always overjoyed at the prospect.

The same is true for everyone, some days you have to bribe yourself to go to the gym. Some days the best we can aim for is not hating the workout.

But the people who see the best results are the people who suck it up and go anyway. Once you get started, it gets easier.


In conclusion

It is possible to get fit if you hate exercise but you have to be willing to try new things, get comfortable with not being great straight away, pushing through the sucky moments and realising that this won’t always be the most exciting thing on the planet every single time.


Don’t forget – just because it’s hard doesn’t mean that you can’t do it.




p.s – If you’re struggling to get into a routine that you enjoy, find out more about my training here and lets find a workout that works for you.