Spiderman homecoming

No spoilers!! Spiderman –  Homecoming  just came out this week and some of you might not have seen it – fear not, you can still read my witty post without spoiling the film.

Firstly, I did spend a fair portion of the film thinking

“Am I allowed to find Tom Holland a wee bit sexy?” 

He’s playing a 15 year old after all and it felt more than a tad creepy, turns out however that he’s 21 and while this sort of makes me “cougar – light” I can handle that.

So, if guys are your thing – be prepared for that.


Moving swiftly on…

Spiderman homecoming

As we can gather from Spidermans’ appearance in Civil War, he’s an over excitable kid who is called in for help but
T.S (Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man)
wants to keep this kid on training wheels for a bit because he’s just getting started.


Basically he’s not part of the avengers. (fyi – this isn’t a spoiler – it’s in the advert)

and being a teenage boy,
full of hormones
and radioactive spidey strength
he’s not happy with this.

Cue lots of pestering to be part of the crew.


What this kid doesn’t understand though is that all the Avengers have their shit sorted out, they are elite, they know what they’re doing.


He’s just finding his feet.
Making mistakes.
Becoming better but not quite there yet.


Why is this important? Let me elaborate…


I see this in fitness all the time. We all have the same potential ability, we all have the same muscles.

And we all start at the beginning.

But you’ll be forgiven for thinking that you can jump straight in to doing 6 hardcore workouts a week and end up with a toned body at the end of it.

(truth; you may be toned, but you’ll also likely be exhausted and burnt out if you just jump straight in)


Instagram is full of #fitspro images and videos and while they can be great, they can also be misleading.


Can you, one day, have an inspirational Instagram where you workout every single day? Absolutely.

Can you start that today and do it every day forever? Not yet.


As frustrating as it is to be told to start slow when you’re FULL of energy and motivation, its the best thing you can do.

Honestly, if you’re one of these people who is just bursting to get into the gym and GO HARD – fantastic!! Keep that motivation, cultivate it over time, build your strength and one day you can train like an Avenger.


But if you’re just starting, be like Spiderman. Keep it low key. Be consistent. Build your strength.


Keep the goal of getting better clear in your mind, be patient and don’t jump the gun.


Ainzlie “patience is my middle name” McMaster ;)