
The media is full of confusing information, when it comes to weight loss we’re in a TMI society. So when I saw the huffington post article about meal prepping make you fat I had to read.

So, should you worry?

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If you’re below the age of 25 you might not remember this advert

It was for Metz, an alcopop of the 00’s Read more

Eat treats in moderation
Eat carbs in moderation
Drink alcohol in moderation

What does this even mean?

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I was at my Grans for Mothers Day and, like a lot of Grans, mine likes to make sure her family is fed.

No one leaves the McMaster house with an empty stomach, and most of the time you leave with leftovers too.

But what does this mean for your waistline?

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A new study has come out that says that diet drinks, like Coke, are better for weight loss than water. A number of studies have been looked at and the conclusion is that if you want to lose weight, diet drinks are the way to go.  Read more

Full disclosure here before we start, I’ve never pretended that because of my job I’m above everyone else when it comes to issues with food and issues with my body.

Perhaps because of my job people assume that I don’t struggle with any of it, but I do. I’ve never wanted to talk about it before now but I think it’s actually important to draw attention to the fact that food can controls us all.

Regardless of who we are.

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Chatting with my friends recently about keeping healthy over Christmas and when I mentioned that my clients still send in their food diaries over Christmas I was met with a shocked face…

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“Calories don’t matter when you’re clean eating.” Some people will read this and nod along, remembering the “rules” set forth by their plan whether it is high fat low carb, paleo (the many variations of), or vegan. All of these styles of eating promote healthy whole foods that will nourish your body and allow you a life away from calorie counting due to the satiation the follows after eating. However, not having to count calories and calories not counting are two different things… Read more

Nutritional fact of the day: Broccoli contains compounds (isothiocyanates – who doesn’t love that name?!) that switch on a gene in our liver that detoxifies cancer-causing chemicals & other toxins.

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We all know that veg is good for us, and up until recently 5 a day was our goal. It is common knowledge: 5 portions of fruit and veg per day to stay healthy.

But what does ‘healthy’ really mean? Why is it so important to have all this veg when supplements are available? And why, when 1 glass of orange juice is 1 portion, is 2 glasses not 2 portions?

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