The judderman

If you’re below the age of 25 you might not remember this advert

It was for Metz, an alcopop of the 00’s

The juddermanOne of the best adverts ever.

The Judderman is an evil Sprite who lures travellers out of the forest with the temptation of Metz. When they eventually drink the Metz they turn into puppets.

There’s a life lesson here.


If you look carefully you can spot the Judderman in real life situations, in this case…the health industry.

The self appointed health gurus who promise you the earth


Promise you the elusive reward of weight loss if you only follow them
Use their products
Buy their books
Follow their plans


Only then will you find your true self
Only then can you experience the weight loss that you’ve been after.


When you’re promised weight loss
Heath gain


You’ll follow the judderman into the forest of health and wellness and hope to come out the other side a believer.

Drinking the kool aid as it were.


But what if these claims aren’t true?

Sadly I see this often.

While there are some qualified personal trainers and nutritionists out there with the best of intentions
For every one of them there are 50 others

50 other unqualified, dangerous, thieving bastards.

^^^ too harsh?


How to tell the difference between the well intentioned PT and the Judderman?


1. Does it sound like bullshit?

If it does, it probably is. Simple as that. If it seems dodgy, stay away.


2. Are they trying to sell you a product?

If they are, be wary. I’ll put my career on the line and say there is no product out there that trumps hard work and dedication when it comes to getting results. Supplements and the like can only enhance what is already there, you need the base before you enhance the process.

The exception here is vitamin supplements. If you’re low on vitamins, particularly B vitamins or iron, then you will see an improvement in performance when you get your body back up to optimal levels. But you should get this test from a doctor.


3. Is this a person or a company?

This requires some research, there are companies out there with a front man. A spokesperson that promises you the world but really there is a team of unknown people behind the scenes giving you the so called bespoke programme.

Sometimes bigger is not better.


I’m a one woman company. It’s literally just me. Sometimes I will refer clients to other professionals if my qualifications don’t cover their needs.

But if you email, it’s me that replies.
If you call, it’s me that answers the phone.


Does that mean you should only work with me? Of course not.


BUT, when you are looking to put your health on the line, find a person.

An actual flesh and blood person that you can communicate with to help support you.

Someone who treats you like a human being, and not just another puppet to boost their bank balance.


Ainzlie “fighting the judderman” McMaster


P.s – Looking for results without the nonsense? I know someone for that…

P.p.s – Click here to see the advert

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