
Today is Halloween! Rejoice, dress up, celebrate with some fun and some sweeties!

But what if some sweeties turns into a binge for you…then what?Halloween

Firstly, I hear ya.

I’ve found myself binging on junk food many times before now – not necessarily needing the excuse of Halloween. I will tell that story one day, but today I’m focusing on my own personal achievement, and how you can get there too.


Just one, or two…


Yesterday I bought a multi-pack of chocolate and sweets to take to my class for anyone who wanted to celebrate Halloween early. Some people took some, some didn’t. But what surprised me most is that I’ve only had 2 mini packets of smarties.

Two. Which (I just checked) is 28 grams of chocolate.

Infact, the bag is in my bag at work with me right now. I’m so not bothered by them.


And trust me, I am the type of person who has eaten fondant icing sugar right out of the packet – not the type of person who could have “just one” and stop.


So, what’s changed?


Not giving food morality.

Food is neither good or bad.

And I’m neither good or bad for eating it.


I have a choice at every meal time and snack time, I can choose foods that fill me up, or I can choose foods that are a treat.

These are MY choices and no matter how much the diet industry likes to tell me that I’m not in control of my food choices I AM.

I choose the food.

I choose to pick it up and eat it.


Once I stopped seeing certain foods as being “off limits” and started making choices based on how food actually made me feel something shifted.


It turns out that really – deep down – eating the entire contents of my kitchen isn’t comfortable or enjoyable and I only did it when I was telling myself what I “couldn’t” or “shouldn’t” have.


Is this easy? No.


But this shift in mindset changes the perspective on food.


Once you take this approach it takes the power away from the food and brings it back to you.

Everything is a choice. And you’re neither good or bad for eating the way you do.

So eat your chocolate and your sweets for Halloween OR don’t.

But whatever the choice make sure it’s a conscious choice.


Don’t say “yes” and feel guilty or say “no” then feel deprived.

If you’re tired of being unable to have “just one” and you want to break the cycle give this a shot. It could change your life.




p.s – this is a big mindset shift and it can be scary to take this road alone. If you’re looking for some guidance on how to give up dieting, restriction and finally (re)learn how to eat, get in touch and lets chat.