How to be happy

Bit of a feel good post here, at least that’s what I’m attempting.

Theres a lot of bad shit going on in the world at the moment, this week everyone is tired, everyone looks drained, we’re all stressed.

The weekend approaches and the protests continue, we aim for a lie in but things get in the way.

Or we take the lie in and then feel lazy?

What to do?

So we can’t stop the world from being crap.

We can’t stop trump from being racist, sexist and cavalier with people’s lives and freedom.

We can’t quit our jobs or stop studying to cut out the stress.

We can’t run off to an island, drink gin and live happily every after.


(The feel good bit is coming)


But what if we were all a wee bit nicer to each other?

Little things that you do every day that can make things a bit brighter.


How to be happy

How to be happy

Smile at someone when you catch their eye.

Say please and thank you – always.

Being nice to customer facing workers – always, cos it can be a shit job.

Ask how someone is and really listen to what they say.

Put your phone down and have a conversation, even if you feel anxious about it.


Give someone a high five.

Tell your friends and family that you love them. Yes, even if you’re British.

Compliment someone on how they look – and mean it.

Put some good music on and dance – especially if you “can’t dance”.

Try and see everything from someone else’s viewpoint before you judge them.

Challenge negative thoughts and ask yourself why you feel that way.

Realise that no one is a machine, we’re all human and we make mistakes. If you can forgive others for theirs, you might be able to forgive yourself for yours.

Reach out and talk to someone if things are getting too much, try Samaritans


Cos we’re all working to make a living to have the life we would like to have.

We’re all doing our best.

And yes, the news is awful, the world is getting smaller, people are afraid and tired so it’s time to reach out to each other and be friendly.


With that spirit in mind, how are you today?


– Ainzlie xx