time to exercise

Too busy to be active? Let’s discuss how you can get moving more.

The biggest challenge for starting a new routine and a new active lifestyle is finding the time.

Initially you are full of motivation, the New Year New Me spirit carries you through January but as February comes in, life gets in the way and your new enthusiasm dwindles.

You may find that getting to the gym or doing your planned exercise is a bit harder to schedule, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t increase your activity throughout the day.


“I’m just too busy”

time to exercise

Alright, I’m not arguing – you’re too busy

So make it easy. 

I’m not asking you to train for a marathon or go to the gym everyday – particularly if those things are just not realistic for your lifestyle.

Remember, make it easy and you’ll do it.

I’m asking you to start being active throughout the day whenever you can.


Ainzlie’s handy guide to moving more


Firstly you have to understand that I’m not saying that this replaces a workout. This will not give you the same “gains” as a well thought out workout – however, it will keep you active. It will get your muscles moving, it will help with the mid afternoon brain fog.


Watching tv?

During the ad breaks, get down on the floor and do some ab exercises.

Watching Netflix? Great, the intros to the shows are another opportunity.

Try it:
Hold a plank for the intro to American Horror Story…!
Do some press ups
Try some yoga positions for stretching

time to exercise

Walk wherever possible.

Seriously, no lifts, no escalators, no cheating.

If you have legs and you can walk – walk.

Walking might seem boring but if you add it into your day the steps will add up. If walking seems too slow you can start to add in some jogging if you enjoy it.


Try it:
Walk up the escalator – don’t just stand there
Get off the bus a stop or two early
Take the long way home from work
Get out at lunchtime for a quick walk

Just move your body throughout the day to get more active and feel more energised.

time to exercise

Squat wherever possible.

This is a natural human movement, and yes after long hours sitting down your hips are going to feel tight and the thought of squatting is painful. But go for it, just ease into the move.

Try it:
Do some squats when you’re waiting for the kettle to boil (how British is this example?!)
Picking something up from the floor? Squat down to get it!

time to exercise

Balance whenever possible.

Brushing your teeth?
Waiting for the bus?

Balancing exercises take no equipment and you can do them anywhere, it can be as simple as lifting one foot off the ground by a few inches, to standing tall with one leg straight out to the side.

Balancing exercises work each leg and/or arm independently and also helps your core.

Try it:
Stand on one leg when brushing your teeth
Stand on one let with the opposite arm above your head
Hold the plank with one leg raised
Hold a plank with one arm raised


In Summary

There are plenty of ways of adding activity into your day in moments where you’re having some down time.

Keep moving and see how much better you feel.



p.s – Wanting to add more exercise into your life but not sure how? Check out my online programme that can help keep you fit and healthy wherever you are.