Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day, another great example of Bill Murray and his genius. And a lesson in repeating our actions.

If you’re unaware of the film, firstly – go and stream it/buy it and watch it (after reading this).

In the film Bill Murray, our main character, is forced to live the same day over and over again with hilarious results and it got me thinking about our patterns of behaviour around diet and exercise.


Groundhog Day:
The diet starts tomorrow (again)


How many times have you repeated the same behaviours and plans in order to try and reach your weight loss goal?

How many times have you said “The diet starts tomorrow”?


I worked with a woman once who went to Weight Watchers every January to lose the Christmas pounds and every June to “shape up” for her summer holidays.

In between times she gained the weight that she had lost and this went on for years.

The same behaviours year after year, and slowly overtime she gained more and more weight as each year passed.


Same behaviours. Same results. No actual change.

Groundhog Day

If you want to be better, you must do something different.


The truth is, you, me and everyone else are where we are in life because of the actions we take every day.

This could mean great things for you if you follow a consistent approach in your life, business, health and family etc.


This could mean that you’re stuck because your habits are the same, week after week, year after year.


Change is hard but eventually you will reach a point where staying the same is more uncomfortable than taking the step to change your life.

That could be today, it could be next month or next year BUT eventually you’ll realise that you’re living your own version of Groundhog Day.


So if this is making sense and you’re feeling stuck and ready to act differently, today is the day to change.


I am now coaching clients online to improve their nutrition and their habits towards food. This is by application only and spaces are limited. For more information read more about it here.




p.s – This is hands down one of the best scenes in Groundhog Day.


If you’re as tired of diets as Phil is with Ned, it’s time to take action.